26th Oct 2006
JEFF 这几天都有MSG我
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
23rd Oct 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
The right guy....
21st Oct 2006
Yesterday was a day that it would turn out to be the worst of my life...i thought. Since morning before I went to work, I was trying to tell myself: I have been through worse than this, I am going to be fine.
Jeanie message me and share alot with me. I suddenly felt ashamed that I was so focus on what I am going through and neglected people around me. These days have become all about me...I felt sorry for Jeanie as what she's going through. At first she told me it was jus flu and migrain but then she finally decide to tell me and it was actually brain tumour. It has been years since she had it. And it is an on and off thing. There are time,she felt okay. But there are also time she felt so lousy. Jess use to tell me about Jeanie, saying that she is a dirvocee. But I always take what Jeanie said as she call off the wedding after ROM. But the truth is his fiance actually pull off after Jeanie was dignose with brain tumour. No wonder she is always so afraid to commit to another relationship. But how could someone leave his wife when she is sick, moreover he has promise to be with you no matter sick or poor...he is your husband to be, the one who suppose to stay with you for the rest of your life...
There's a saying of the Chinese: Man are afraid they choose the wrong career; while woman are afraid if they choose the wrong guy. Being as "egoistic" as me, I wouldn't want to lie my future in a man's hand. However,I agree that how can "choosing a right guy" change your life....
Am I with the right guy....?
Yesterday was a day that it would turn out to be the worst of my life...i thought. Since morning before I went to work, I was trying to tell myself: I have been through worse than this, I am going to be fine.
Jeanie message me and share alot with me. I suddenly felt ashamed that I was so focus on what I am going through and neglected people around me. These days have become all about me...I felt sorry for Jeanie as what she's going through. At first she told me it was jus flu and migrain but then she finally decide to tell me and it was actually brain tumour. It has been years since she had it. And it is an on and off thing. There are time,she felt okay. But there are also time she felt so lousy. Jess use to tell me about Jeanie, saying that she is a dirvocee. But I always take what Jeanie said as she call off the wedding after ROM. But the truth is his fiance actually pull off after Jeanie was dignose with brain tumour. No wonder she is always so afraid to commit to another relationship. But how could someone leave his wife when she is sick, moreover he has promise to be with you no matter sick or poor...he is your husband to be, the one who suppose to stay with you for the rest of your life...
There's a saying of the Chinese: Man are afraid they choose the wrong career; while woman are afraid if they choose the wrong guy. Being as "egoistic" as me, I wouldn't want to lie my future in a man's hand. However,I agree that how can "choosing a right guy" change your life....
Am I with the right guy....?
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The Departed...
19th Oct 2006
Finally we went to Harbour Front newly open Vivo City. I am the one who suggested that....to take a walk. After what happen, I felt we have to really spend some time togather.
In fact it turn out to be a rewarding day. We walk, we talk, we hug, we kiss...well, something most couple do, but it's been a long time, it felt.
We also watched "The Departed" by Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon. It is actually the english version of "Wu Jian Dao". The original version is a Hong Kong production by Andy Lao and Tony Leong.
Somehow, it is a bit dissapointing as I am expecting it to be different from the original version. But, I guess they think the original is too good to be change. Well, not a total waste of money but it is meant for those who never watch the original one before.
There's a part where the psychologist ( Matt Damon's gf ; doctor of Leonardo) was saying , life is full of doubt...This kind of hit me a little. I guess I am in the stage where I am unsure of lotsa of things. In doubt...
Finally we went to Harbour Front newly open Vivo City. I am the one who suggested that....to take a walk. After what happen, I felt we have to really spend some time togather.
In fact it turn out to be a rewarding day. We walk, we talk, we hug, we kiss...well, something most couple do, but it's been a long time, it felt.
We also watched "The Departed" by Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon. It is actually the english version of "Wu Jian Dao". The original version is a Hong Kong production by Andy Lao and Tony Leong.
Somehow, it is a bit dissapointing as I am expecting it to be different from the original version. But, I guess they think the original is too good to be change. Well, not a total waste of money but it is meant for those who never watch the original one before.
There's a part where the psychologist ( Matt Damon's gf ; doctor of Leonardo) was saying , life is full of doubt...This kind of hit me a little. I guess I am in the stage where I am unsure of lotsa of things. In doubt...
Sunday, October 15, 2006
ReAdjUst. ReFoCus. ReMemBer
15th October 2006
After having the conversation over the phone with Ping...I wonder how we started "argue" (Ping don't argue, basically I am the one who is unhappy) about him changing his roster causing us not to meet on 16th.
Again his intention is to shorten the time we will be apart. However I see it that he is risking our confirm off day to a unknown off day in the future, which mean we might or might not have the common off day. It kind of upset me...
Somehow we talked about how he thinks and why he react the way he is. He said, when it comes to changing his roster, money is the main priority. I felt....I don't how I feel when he said that. It sort of give me a waken call: "Hello~~Where have you put your priority to?" I wanted to tell him so much that, while u are busy focusing on what you want, you might lose what you already have...
I guess I sort of shifted my priority to the wrong place all this while. It is no point being there alone, when u being taken for granted of...Or should I say I weighed myself far too important. I guess is time to READJUST, REFOCUS, REMEMBER my priority. Maybe Ping is right.
Things won't be easy for the next few days. I just need to be positive and face the problem myself. Give me strength and wisdom, my Lord!
Thought of Fwuji when I was having the conversation with ping...I can't help but think. If I were who I am today, what happen to me and Fwuji would be diff. Same thing happen but i come up with diff approach.I guess it's all about timing and fate.
After having the conversation over the phone with Ping...I wonder how we started "argue" (Ping don't argue, basically I am the one who is unhappy) about him changing his roster causing us not to meet on 16th.
Again his intention is to shorten the time we will be apart. However I see it that he is risking our confirm off day to a unknown off day in the future, which mean we might or might not have the common off day. It kind of upset me...
Somehow we talked about how he thinks and why he react the way he is. He said, when it comes to changing his roster, money is the main priority. I felt....I don't how I feel when he said that. It sort of give me a waken call: "Hello~~Where have you put your priority to?" I wanted to tell him so much that, while u are busy focusing on what you want, you might lose what you already have...
I guess I sort of shifted my priority to the wrong place all this while. It is no point being there alone, when u being taken for granted of...Or should I say I weighed myself far too important. I guess is time to READJUST, REFOCUS, REMEMBER my priority. Maybe Ping is right.
Things won't be easy for the next few days. I just need to be positive and face the problem myself. Give me strength and wisdom, my Lord!
Thought of Fwuji when I was having the conversation with ping...I can't help but think. If I were who I am today, what happen to me and Fwuji would be diff. Same thing happen but i come up with diff approach.I guess it's all about timing and fate.
Monday, October 09, 2006
CoVeriNg oWn Ass...
08th Oct 2006
So sad...first time I felt so discouraged by things happen in my job.
I know somehow is affected me...I just can't understand why someone so reputable could say something so irresponsible...just becoz he wanna cover his own ass...
Did I mistaken him? Should I clarify with him? I guess I should, when I see him next time. After all, it's something I need to face it. And I hate it when it's hanging there...
So sad...first time I felt so discouraged by things happen in my job.
I know somehow is affected me...I just can't understand why someone so reputable could say something so irresponsible...just becoz he wanna cover his own ass...
Did I mistaken him? Should I clarify with him? I guess I should, when I see him next time. After all, it's something I need to face it. And I hate it when it's hanging there...
09th Oct 06
Finally I sort of settled my problem...
What happen was, my landlord decided to increase the rental and in this case Jess and I will have to pay 475 bucks per person. It's as good as getting my own house. Ha!
But now that we've talk to my landlord and had decided to rent the whole place instead of just the two rooms which mean we only need to find someone else to cut the rental.That sort of solved the problem for now.
Well, thanks to this incident, I realiase how much in total I am paying each year just for my rental. It hasn't hit me hard when Jenny told me that she spent almost a good 60 thousand for her rental for her all these years in Sg. But now that I am calculating myself, wow...I could have buy another house in M'sia.
Somehow, it pop up Ping's mind : Why don't we just buy a place? Here, "we" means he n I. Hehe...Although he is talking in a practical point of view. Yet I wish he could pop this question in a more romantic way...never mind...
Anyway, after calculating money that we need to buy a house, the idea sort of blow off. Though he said his mum could help...I wonder how.But I guess it best waited till we are both fully ready (financially), or else it will be really tight and I don't like that. Two years. I told myself.
Finally I sort of settled my problem...
What happen was, my landlord decided to increase the rental and in this case Jess and I will have to pay 475 bucks per person. It's as good as getting my own house. Ha!
But now that we've talk to my landlord and had decided to rent the whole place instead of just the two rooms which mean we only need to find someone else to cut the rental.That sort of solved the problem for now.
Well, thanks to this incident, I realiase how much in total I am paying each year just for my rental. It hasn't hit me hard when Jenny told me that she spent almost a good 60 thousand for her rental for her all these years in Sg. But now that I am calculating myself, wow...I could have buy another house in M'sia.
Somehow, it pop up Ping's mind : Why don't we just buy a place? Here, "we" means he n I. Hehe...Although he is talking in a practical point of view. Yet I wish he could pop this question in a more romantic way...never mind...
Anyway, after calculating money that we need to buy a house, the idea sort of blow off. Though he said his mum could help...I wonder how.But I guess it best waited till we are both fully ready (financially), or else it will be really tight and I don't like that. Two years. I told myself.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
My Holidays III
24th Sept - 03rd Oct 2006

Taken by him, my favourite pic...
"I was force to....."
we don't know him but he wanna take pic....weird...
Hiking when I am sick...pale
My Holidays II
24th Sept-03rd Oct 2006
Giant with the small tree house...
I want a bigger house....
Stuck back your tougue!!!
The Washington Lake....
Sometimes my camera still take nice pic...
My Holidays...
24th Sept- 03rd Oct 2006

The aircraft that I am taking to LA
Flight that I am taking
View from the aircraft
Landing to LA soon...
Ping's mother and I on UA's flight to Portland
Mount St. Helens's Cold Lake
The volcanic Mt. St.Helens
Ping's sister, mother & I
My dear looks good in this pic...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Stay In Charge...
03 Oct 2006
Back from Los Angeles, after almost 24 hours of none stop flying,catching flights...I am finally back in my own sweet home. The past 24 hours hasn't been a pleasant one as I rush to catch my flights from LA to S'pore due to the delayed of domestic flight from S.Frisco to LA. Never in my life, I felt so....rush...
Anyway, this wasn't really the worst part. Have you ever push a trolley which carry 3 luggages (each weighed about 70 pounds) , running amost 1.5 km to catch a flight? Worst is I am pushing it up the escalator(My mistake of under estimating the heaviness of the luggages)...What happen? Well, the small( but it's not the lightest) luggage on top of the two big luggages roll over me and i am kinda stuck on the escalator. Can you imagine when the escalator is still moving while you are stuck with 3 luggages and you are force to move along? Result: I am obviously still surviving...or else who is writting here? Just 2 patches of big blue black on my arm and leg...
It wasn't that bad actually.At least we manage to catch our flight. But I sort of fall in to the bad mood mode that i just keep quiet. Maybe is just feeling tired, maybe is I still don't feel well...(fall sick two days ago while I was still in portland).
But it sort of trigle me when Ping just left me and went to find another seat which he then explain it's to let me have 3 seats by myself so that I could sleep. He also claimed that he had told me before he left to go and "chop" the seat. Well, here's another good example of MISCOMMUNICATION:things that you said if didn't being heard defeat the purpose of saying it. Serious, I didn't hear him saying anything...
So from LA to Tokyo and Tokyo to S'pore, I have 3 seats by myself. At first, I was quite upset. How can he just left me there? I am so tired after the rush, now he just leave me alone? However this " angry" mood deosn't stay long. It gone after I went to the toilet.
You guys ust be curious what happen in the toilet right? Well, I sort of look into the mirror and asked: " who is this ugly girl who look so angry?" Then I smile at myself and I realiase she is me.
I don't like when I look so upset. My happiness shouldn't have depend on others. I should be the one who incharge of my own happiness. So when I came back from the toilet, I am in a total different mood. The later part of the flight became a much enjoyable one...
Back from Los Angeles, after almost 24 hours of none stop flying,catching flights...I am finally back in my own sweet home. The past 24 hours hasn't been a pleasant one as I rush to catch my flights from LA to S'pore due to the delayed of domestic flight from S.Frisco to LA. Never in my life, I felt so....rush...
Anyway, this wasn't really the worst part. Have you ever push a trolley which carry 3 luggages (each weighed about 70 pounds) , running amost 1.5 km to catch a flight? Worst is I am pushing it up the escalator(My mistake of under estimating the heaviness of the luggages)...What happen? Well, the small( but it's not the lightest) luggage on top of the two big luggages roll over me and i am kinda stuck on the escalator. Can you imagine when the escalator is still moving while you are stuck with 3 luggages and you are force to move along? Result: I am obviously still surviving...or else who is writting here? Just 2 patches of big blue black on my arm and leg...
It wasn't that bad actually.At least we manage to catch our flight. But I sort of fall in to the bad mood mode that i just keep quiet. Maybe is just feeling tired, maybe is I still don't feel well...(fall sick two days ago while I was still in portland).
But it sort of trigle me when Ping just left me and went to find another seat which he then explain it's to let me have 3 seats by myself so that I could sleep. He also claimed that he had told me before he left to go and "chop" the seat. Well, here's another good example of MISCOMMUNICATION:things that you said if didn't being heard defeat the purpose of saying it. Serious, I didn't hear him saying anything...
So from LA to Tokyo and Tokyo to S'pore, I have 3 seats by myself. At first, I was quite upset. How can he just left me there? I am so tired after the rush, now he just leave me alone? However this " angry" mood deosn't stay long. It gone after I went to the toilet.
You guys ust be curious what happen in the toilet right? Well, I sort of look into the mirror and asked: " who is this ugly girl who look so angry?" Then I smile at myself and I realiase she is me.
I don't like when I look so upset. My happiness shouldn't have depend on others. I should be the one who incharge of my own happiness. So when I came back from the toilet, I am in a total different mood. The later part of the flight became a much enjoyable one...
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