Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Egg-less Honey Brownies


Ping's dad is a vegetarian. He had a sweet tooth for dessert, especially brownies. Because of his health condition, he can't take anything with cholesterol. In another word, he can't take any dessert with eggs. So, I thought...maybe I could make something without egg...

The first time I did, I followed a egg-less brownies recipe that I found online. Well, it's okay...but not as tasty though...So, this time, I did it my way! Ha...

If you have someone you care that can't take anything with cholesterol, you might like to try this...but let me warn might not turn out as you want coz this is written down as how I remember it.

Egg-less Honey Brownies

1/2 cup of margarine
1 tsp of vanilla essence
1/2 cup of flour
1 small pinch of salt
1 tbs of baking powder
1 tbs of canola oil (vegetable oil)
1 tbs of warm water
2 tbs of cocoa powder
leftover chocolate bar in the fridge (good chance to clear your fridge)

First of all, melt the chocolate bar in a bowl. Put the bowl inside a pot filled with 1/3 of water. (reason: so that the chocolate would not burn easily)

Then mix the margarine with honey and cocoa powder. How much honey to put is depend on yourself. I tasted the mixture to see if I need to add more. Beat it with a electrical mixer.

Subsequently mix in others ingredients including the melted chocolate( except for the walnuts).
Beat it with the electrical mixer.

When all the ingredient is well mixed, add the walnuts and this time just mix it with a big spoon. At last, put the mixture into a mould and bake it in a oven which had been preheated about 10 minutes at 180 degree Celsius. Baked for 25-35 minutes.

When the surface of the brownies look shiny and the edge is slightly burned. You can poked a tooth pit into it, if the tooth pit is not sticky when you pull out, it's done. If not, you can lower the heat to 160 degree Celsius and monitor.

The brownies I baked this time turn out good. I guess sometimes you just can't follow the books...A little of your creativity add a little flavour to your baking. YUMMY!!!!

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