21st May 2005, 9:54a.m.
Wonder what happen to me, have not sleeping well since...I went back to M'sia. Even though I slept as late as 2 a.m. this morning, I still wake up at 6:30 a.m. *haiz*
Anyway, when u can't go back to sleep, is no point pushing urself too much. What I normally do is I 'll jst get out fr the bed, go have a nice cup of coffee(caffeine addicted...not good!),read books or go online. So I went online and read this interesting article about a psychology test.
There r five animals here: tiger, monkey, peacock, elephant and dog.
Imagine yourself going into a strange jungle togather with this animals. Becoz of some reason, u have to give them up one by one.
STOP!!!! Before u read further, ask urself:Which one will u give up first? Arrange by sequence.
I did the test myself,and my answer is peacock, monkey, tiger,elephant and dog.
I guess out of 10 people, most of them will give up peacock first. Reason? As simple as peacock is a beautiful animal but doesnt help you much when it comes to surviving matter.
Okay, what does all these animals actually represent?
Peacock- ur companion/lover
Tiger- ur desire towards money and rights
Elephant- ur parents
dog- ur friends
monkey-ur children
As for me, I don't think I am that kind of person who will give up on my close one during the most difficult situation. So, I thought this test is nothing but a total crap.So, I asked my friends the same question and he gave me a different answer,which is he'll give up tiger first, follow by monkey,elephant, peacock, dog.Reason for him is tiger means pride n strength to him, which he don't need that. Monkey is mischievous, elephant the 3rd coz he still need it at first, dog the last coz it mean loyalty to him. But one thing he couldn't figure out himself is why he didn't give up peacock first. He said peacock is something beautiful and with not much use.Y not give up ...he wonder.
Isn't it just like in a relationship. You know it's beautiful but sometimes you drop into this misery that it brings no good to u...y r u still so into it, and can't seem to give up...haha...
Another person gave me this answer: peacock is so beautiful yet it has no strength to protect itself, so of coz u can't give it up first. Then, i realize something...most of us love ourself more than anything else. In the process of making decision, we often make the decision that considering what can other gave in. Why not the other way round? What can we give...????
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Sunday, May 08, 2005
ThIs IsN't mE...
07th May,2005. 5:04p.m.
Often the time, hearing ppl comment on me. Good words...bad comments...but it's jst not really me. At least this is not who I think I am. Then I start wondering, maybe they jst being nice (to say all the good things)...maybe they r jst jeolous(tat's y they make such crictics)...maybe they jst dun see who u really r...maybe...maybe...
Then again, do I really know myself well? Or I am jst being dissapointed that I din hear them saying the qualities I hope to see in myself? And what if they really do say it? I am still who I am...
When new friends ask me to describe myself, i often fall into the miserable feeling.Who am I? That's a question that I guess it takes the rest of my life to answer...
Who am I? I am jst not who I am yesterday! Does that answer your question?
Often the time, hearing ppl comment on me. Good words...bad comments...but it's jst not really me. At least this is not who I think I am. Then I start wondering, maybe they jst being nice (to say all the good things)...maybe they r jst jeolous(tat's y they make such crictics)...maybe they jst dun see who u really r...maybe...maybe...
Then again, do I really know myself well? Or I am jst being dissapointed that I din hear them saying the qualities I hope to see in myself? And what if they really do say it? I am still who I am...
When new friends ask me to describe myself, i often fall into the miserable feeling.Who am I? That's a question that I guess it takes the rest of my life to answer...
Who am I? I am jst not who I am yesterday! Does that answer your question?
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Sunday, May 01, 2005
Loneliness...maybe not!
1st May,2005. 5:58p.m.
As I was taking a bus back to my place, I was thinking about the blogs that I've wrote today! How stupid! Obviously, loneliness is not caused by "auntie visit" such a lame excuse coz u can't have auntie visit for the total whole month!!!!...and perhaps you can't find a reason to explain why people are feeling lonely. Well...well...well...maybe I shouldn't crack my head with such heavy topic! Poor Alice...!So, I decided to delete the blogs as I find it's does no good for anyone to read it. Perhaps, not many have seen it! Well, jst in case...
Today is PH. Everywhere is crowded with people. And I had a bad lunch. Have not been eating well.It makes me reminds of how well my mum can cook and how I used to complain that she is cooking the same thing again and again. Well,that's human being.We don't seem to appreciate things when we have them. It always become more precious when we lost them.MAybe it's the memories that make it so beautiful...
Talking about my mum...mother's day is jst ard the corner. Do anyone believe that I hav nvr celebrate mother's day with my mum? In fact, my family seem to be the weird ones who doesn't celebrate any special days except chinese new year and mid-autum festival. We don't even celebrate birthday. Don't mistaken us as a falling apart-broken family. In fact, we are so close that, none of these days seem to make sense to us. Why do u hav to wait til mother's day to tell ur mum how much you love her? Why do we hav to give each other present and treat each other a good meal only during the "special days"? So, start telling ur mum, u love her ( tell ur dad too, jst in case he got jeolous...haha),treat ur family members a good meal...if they ask why,simply tell them : becoz we r family! Ha...touching right? not trying to make u tear or cry...jst think tat we should be more expressive when it comes to telling ur loves one how much you love them...before it's to late !*sob sob*
As I was taking a bus back to my place, I was thinking about the blogs that I've wrote today! How stupid! Obviously, loneliness is not caused by "auntie visit" such a lame excuse coz u can't have auntie visit for the total whole month!!!!...and perhaps you can't find a reason to explain why people are feeling lonely. Well...well...well...maybe I shouldn't crack my head with such heavy topic! Poor Alice...!So, I decided to delete the blogs as I find it's does no good for anyone to read it. Perhaps, not many have seen it! Well, jst in case...
Today is PH. Everywhere is crowded with people. And I had a bad lunch. Have not been eating well.It makes me reminds of how well my mum can cook and how I used to complain that she is cooking the same thing again and again. Well,that's human being.We don't seem to appreciate things when we have them. It always become more precious when we lost them.MAybe it's the memories that make it so beautiful...
Talking about my mum...mother's day is jst ard the corner. Do anyone believe that I hav nvr celebrate mother's day with my mum? In fact, my family seem to be the weird ones who doesn't celebrate any special days except chinese new year and mid-autum festival. We don't even celebrate birthday. Don't mistaken us as a falling apart-broken family. In fact, we are so close that, none of these days seem to make sense to us. Why do u hav to wait til mother's day to tell ur mum how much you love her? Why do we hav to give each other present and treat each other a good meal only during the "special days"? So, start telling ur mum, u love her ( tell ur dad too, jst in case he got jeolous...haha),treat ur family members a good meal...if they ask why,simply tell them : becoz we r family! Ha...touching right? not trying to make u tear or cry...jst think tat we should be more expressive when it comes to telling ur loves one how much you love them...before it's to late !*sob sob*
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