Thursday, June 29, 2006

Experiment 01

29th June 2006

Just a few hour after blogging my 1st blog of the day. I felt better. Ha! Women! Anyway, perhaps is the cold shower that helps. Or maybe my problem is that no one could share with me. After talking to my mum, I instantly felt better. Well...though my mum could only understand 30% of how I felt.Anyway,it's good!

So I am back to 70% of the cheerful self. Another 30%,perhaps after eating my mum's dumpling:) Well, maybe this is one good point of me. I could recover from the upset emotion quite fast.

After crapping so much, I havent touch on what I wanted to say actually. Well, is some funny idea tha occur to me that day after hearing someone's conversation. "over-heard somebody's conversation".

What happen is that I was in the Q of the fruit stall in the canteen when this girl in front of me share her idea of saving with her friend. She said she never use her SGD 2 note and will always keep it when she have. So, unconciously she have save up till SGD 15,000 now. Of course the time frame is something to be concern here. If she use 10 years to do so, it's not really something to be surprise of. So, i decided to do a experiment myself. See how long it takes me to save that SGD 15,000 effortlessly. Keyword here is "effortlessly". This is because I always felt if could have a habit of saving money, that doesn't make you felt it's a chore of something, the money won't hurt you a bit. But if you force yourself to save when you already have so many commitment, it's gonna be very difficult. So, I start to keep my SGD 2 note now,and we shall see...


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.