Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The One...

13 Sept 2006

So we came to the serious talk...
As Ping dad leaving soon to US, he asked Ping to get marry if he is ready. Something that always cross a parent 's mind when your son seem to have a stable relationship. And Ping standard answer as always:" Another two years." haha...

I guess, two year is a good timing as we are financially and mentally prepare. By then I should have finish my study, five years in my job mean sense of steadiness in life and of cause, the long waited 15k!!!

I guess I have change my mind about getting marry at 28-30. That was a target I set for myself far before I started my 1st relationship,those yound days... But now I felt if you are into this relationship so seriously, anytime is possible. And we are so in love with each other.Each and everyday the feeling just grow...I never thought this was possible.

Someone will think I am crazy, as I am only 22(soon). What make you think he is the ONE? I guess no one can answer that. No one in any age could answer this question. WHO IS THE ONE? We crack our head finding answer, refusing to commit as we fear there is a better one out there. But the truth is, we don't know. At this moment, he is the one.

I dreamt of this dream that it is the day I get marry and I was on the street in my wedding gown where my husband-to-be is busy sweeping the street. Weird huh? The funniest thing is that he is not Ping but a HK actor that we always see on TV. Lim Bao Yi, anyone know who is he? The guy who named Henry in the drama series Healing Hands. Funny...When I told Ping, he was laugh non-stop as usual...Then he said to me, I hope I can be your road sweeper. Isn't that the sweetest thing you could hear from a man? When there are dozen of man outside, fearing to commit and here there is this guy that looking forward to make you his wife and the mistress of his white dream house ( well, this is another story...) I guess life couldn't be any better....

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