梦婷,Charlene & I

My make up artist, 小彩

梦婷& Charlene
17th Nov 2006
Call me insane or nuts...Could it be too much nuts that I had...haha...
Went for a makeover shooting for the first time in my life. Never expect to do it actually but since my colleague had make a reservation, so i decided to do it if they have a slot for me. So there we are, the shooting place.
I choice 3 outfits which contain of a white and black gown and a enhanced kimono. As usual, I took a long time to decide what to wear for the photo shoot. Personally I don't like the kimono at all,felt very "auntie". But Charlene and my make up artist keep convinced me that it's nice. Sigh...Love the white gown the most.Make me felt as if I am photo shooting my wedding pic=P
It's a total new experience to me. I suddenly understand how those models felt when they are in a photo shoot scene. With the heavy make up, music and interaction with the photographer... you felt you are no more yourself. And a photographer can really make you beautiful...or rather feel beautiful.
When I see the pictures, I can't believe it's me. I guess,although these pictures are deceiving...but any woman would want to believe that the beautiful one is herself... haha...Kino(my album designer) said I look like 天心 in the photos.
I can't wait to show Ping =)
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