Tuesday, December 05, 2006

LoNg DiStaNce LoVe...

05 Dec 2006

Bought a interesting book last week. It's a translation of a Japanese novel called "Long Distance Love".

It's a story about a woman who met the love of her life one day before both of them apart. One remain in Tokyo and the other went to New York. Ever since then, they stay in touch through email and calls. They were deeply in love, yet far apart. Could this relationship been beutified because of its distance? For a person who doesn't believe in long distance relationship like me, i can't help but wonder...What make me puzzled is that this relationship lasted 13 years until they finally meet again. Of couse in between the author create a twist in between two main charactors that makes them apart for that long--a thrid party. The woman end up marrying someone that appear short after, and carry on her life. But deep down, she know somewhere, somehow, one part of her heart was left behind somewhere. Of course it can't be a happy marriage as the woman didn't gave in to her husband full-heartedly. So, they end divorcing. So, this woman left Tokyo, and went to New York. Somehow fate bought these two person togather again. 13 years has passed, but they found the innitial feeling that was left behind....Happy ending...i guess...ha!

Anyway, what attracts me to read this book is the title of the book. It sort of remind me and Ping. I guess we are in a kind of long distance relationship that we can't meet often and maybe as little as 3 times a month. It sometimes amazed me that I am still in the relationship and still so much in love and missing him. I guess I have learned to endure this loneliness with the excuse of my study. I am definately guilty of that. When I went to class so often despite the fact I just off work or were too tired to go. Still, I drag myself to class and learn to enjoy it. It became a priority to me to anything else.

I also learned to work hard. Changing my schedule so often that I have no time at home. It's just work and study. "pak toh"? has been a long time. Usually we just go for a meal. Too tired.

Deep down inside, I am afraid. This relationship won't last long. It's as if not much connection between two of us. I don't know if I could do anything. Change my schedule, so that we work togather, spend more time togather? I don't want to go through that kind of dissapointment anymore...

Well, no point to pour my head into this messy thoughts. I shall just concerntrate in my study and live on my life. Future is impredictable. You never know who you end up with...sigh...

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