So, here I am early in the morning at Selina's place. It's her wedding day and I promised to be her sister of the day...Well, no experience in being a sister so I have totally no idea what I need to do. Lucky enough there's 5 of us, so I just keep quiet and follow. ha!
So, the usual thing we do. Fix a "nice" cocktails for the bridesgroom. It's diet coke with all kinds of ingredient that you can find in a kitchen. And as caring as us, we add a raw egg giving the reason--it can boost up the bridesgroom's energy level at night...haha...evil...
Well, the first step of asking "ang pao" from Weng(he's the man of the day!!) has been a failure. Because the "smart" and cunning Weng has the key into the house.
Lesson 1: Bring your own lock next time...
However, we show the guys that we aren't so easily defeated. With two of us safe guarding the bride's room. The other 3 sisters bargaining with the brothers. When we ask them to drink the specially fixed cocktail, that's when you know who your brother really is. All "siam"!!! haha...So, the cocktail was pass from one to another and no one wanted to be the victim. And without realising that they drink it, it's a empty cup they hand it back. Well, well, if you think we are so easy to be settle, you make the biggest mistake of your life.
Lesson 2: Woman like proof, so don't tell us what you've done,show us instead.Or we'll just ignore it.
So, instead of letting them go. We fix another drink and this time is not so tasty...but simple enough. Just Asahi beer and raw egg. Haha...Well, it smell like...vomiters...Ewwww....
So, the guy left with no choice but to get one sip each. Haha...
Now, here come the bargaining part. Money!
Having 5 of us, we set a high budget--1000 bucks. Expecting some bargaining we plan to settle at 500. But this stingy Weng is not easy to fool...188,that all he have, take it or leave it. Leave it? It's your wife who we are talking about and the amount you can give it is 188? 188 devide by 5, it's only 30+ a person....Hello!
Lesson 3: Be generous, at least on your wedding days!
Seem like the bargaining doesn't work. And last solution for the guys---force in! Now you can see a few guys (don't know how many of them, definately more than the gals), pushing and pulling the girls forcing to go in to the room. God!!!! I should have jst wear my heels. At least I have something to protect myself. Instead, I got pulled, pushed, stepped and end up bruise, and bleeding. @#$%^&*()_....
Lesson 4: It's always war between guys and gals....
Finally I am tired, we are tired, and for Selina's sake, we settled at 288....Sigh...
The wedding night was a much better one. Without any of this violet scene appear.We are all peace and beautiful. To Selina and Weng, Happy N
ewly Wed! *muaks*
Here's my man...
Brothers and sisters...
Join the loving couple...
It's a lovely evening with good food and lotsa laughter...A wedding that I totally enjoy myself. Too bad I have to leave early coz I am working tomorrow.
Anyway, just so glad that Ping is with me tonight...
Sometime there are moment you just wanna share with the special one...
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