Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
SisTeR oF tHe dAy...
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
One ought not to force herself when she is too tired...
A lesson learned yesterday. As I came back from work and was tired as I woke up as early as 4.30am ,and have slept for only 5 hours. It's tiring. Moreover, it's a busy day at work and I didn't even have time to have my lunch.
So, by the time I am back home. I am run out of energy. Yet, the fact that I wanted to spend more time with Ping, I force myself to showered, changed and ready to go. But I received a message from Ping that he is bringing her mum to hospital as one of her eye happen to be appearing red. So, the dinner was delayed. It was like 5.20pm at that time. So, I decided to take my time to S'pore Indoor Stadium--taking a bus.
However when I arrived at Bedok Bus Interchange. I realiased that the bus I suppose to take doesn't go to Stadium Cres. Maybe I make a mistake or the route of the bus had change. Well, it's 6.15pm. Fearing that I will be late. I took a cab instead. Just as I got onto the cab, told the taxi driver where I wanna go, Ping called. He said the doctor is not there and they have to wait another 30 minutes. He ask me to go slowly....with my last sense of humour, I thought: Should I walk there then? Anyway, I decided to just take a cab. I shall be there in half and hour and probably by then they are done. As I arrived 6.45pm ( The inniatial plan is to meet at 6pm), it was just after a rain and the air is cold. So I just stand there and wait. I messaged Ping that I've already arrived and ask him to message me when they are here. In the end, I waited 1 hour plus, counting no. of busses and taxi that have pass by. I lost count after the 8th bus and the 6th taxi passed.
It's cold out here, and I am feeling chilling and tired. Ping asked me to go into the restaurant and wait, but I refused. But don't bother to explain it's because it's already cold out here, what's more if it's inside the air-conditioned restaurant? Well, so I wait and wait and wait...
Time seem to pass slow and I have an urge to go home. Just give an excuse like : My brother forgot to bring his key, need to go back now...etc. But....well, I am so angry of myself. Why make myself standing alone outside like a pity homeless soul? Especially when one group of people passed by me, before and after their dinner, they gave me this look that make me feel like hiding somewhere until Ping's here. Say...the toilet?
I am hungry, tired and cold. Emotionally I am so weak that I can feel that I would cry anytime. I try hard not to do that, as I never like crying in the public. Finally he's here. I am actually not angry at him, but I wasn't in my mood to give him a smiley face or what. I tried not to show his mother and guests my real feeling. Wouldn't want to spoilt their night.
But I guess he can sense it. He tried to grab my hand but I hide it under my tighs claiming that I am cold. When we were walking along the bridge after dinner, I still don't want to hold his hand. It's a reaction of rejecting any body contact with him. I knew that's my weakness when I am upset or tired. I didn't want to tell him how badly I hurt myself today when I was working. How I volunteered to a position that no one would take. How my supervisor turn out to be a inappreciative cold blood animal.
Well, I guess it's just not my day. And I've learned: Never push yourself too hard, even when your desire is stronger than your mind. Most of the time, mind speaks the truth.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
LoNg DiStaNce LoVe...
Bought a interesting book last week. It's a translation of a Japanese novel called "Long Distance Love".
It's a story about a woman who met the love of her life one day before both of them apart. One remain in Tokyo and the other went to New York. Ever since then, they stay in touch through email and calls. They were deeply in love, yet far apart. Could this relationship been beutified because of its distance? For a person who doesn't believe in long distance relationship like me, i can't help but wonder...What make me puzzled is that this relationship lasted 13 years until they finally meet again. Of couse in between the author create a twist in between two main charactors that makes them apart for that long--a thrid party. The woman end up marrying someone that appear short after, and carry on her life. But deep down, she know somewhere, somehow, one part of her heart was left behind somewhere. Of course it can't be a happy marriage as the woman didn't gave in to her husband full-heartedly. So, they end divorcing. So, this woman left Tokyo, and went to New York. Somehow fate bought these two person togather again. 13 years has passed, but they found the innitial feeling that was left behind....Happy ending...i guess...ha!
Anyway, what attracts me to read this book is the title of the book. It sort of remind me and Ping. I guess we are in a kind of long distance relationship that we can't meet often and maybe as little as 3 times a month. It sometimes amazed me that I am still in the relationship and still so much in love and missing him. I guess I have learned to endure this loneliness with the excuse of my study. I am definately guilty of that. When I went to class so often despite the fact I just off work or were too tired to go. Still, I drag myself to class and learn to enjoy it. It became a priority to me to anything else.
I also learned to work hard. Changing my schedule so often that I have no time at home. It's just work and study. "pak toh"? has been a long time. Usually we just go for a meal. Too tired.
Deep down inside, I am afraid. This relationship won't last long. It's as if not much connection between two of us. I don't know if I could do anything. Change my schedule, so that we work togather, spend more time togather? I don't want to go through that kind of dissapointment anymore...
Well, no point to pour my head into this messy thoughts. I shall just concerntrate in my study and live on my life. Future is impredictable. You never know who you end up with...sigh...
Monday, November 20, 2006
Crazy...but beautifully

梦婷,Charlene & I

My make up artist, 小彩

梦婷& Charlene
17th Nov 2006
Call me insane or nuts...Could it be too much nuts that I had...haha...
Went for a makeover shooting for the first time in my life. Never expect to do it actually but since my colleague had make a reservation, so i decided to do it if they have a slot for me. So there we are, the shooting place.
I choice 3 outfits which contain of a white and black gown and a enhanced kimono. As usual, I took a long time to decide what to wear for the photo shoot. Personally I don't like the kimono at all,felt very "auntie". But Charlene and my make up artist keep convinced me that it's nice. Sigh...Love the white gown the most.Make me felt as if I am photo shooting my wedding pic=P
It's a total new experience to me. I suddenly understand how those models felt when they are in a photo shoot scene. With the heavy make up, music and interaction with the photographer... you felt you are no more yourself. And a photographer can really make you beautiful...or rather feel beautiful.
When I see the pictures, I can't believe it's me. I guess,although these pictures are deceiving...but any woman would want to believe that the beautiful one is herself... haha...Kino(my album designer) said I look like 天心 in the photos.
I can't wait to show Ping =)
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Japan is one of my favourite country. Simply love the food, the shopping and the walking around exploring the place.
Loving Japan started far before the "J-pop" hit Asia. I was 15 in 1999 and were in Hiroshima for a 2 months student exchange. Ever since then, I have fall in love with this country and culture. Although in that 2 months I also gain a "horrible" 10 kg due to the hospitality of my friends and foster family...hahaha...anyway....

This Osaka trip has been a rewarding one...emm...maybe not to my wallet...haha...For lunch I have a typical Japanese Katsu set meal. The miso soup and tofu was so good yet easy to prepare. Wait....what about my diet plan? emm...maybe after this !
Was in Fancl shop looking at the product. Saw this fat measuring machine and tried it out. It's a small machine where you just need to key in your particular like weight, height, age and gender.After which you just hold on to it and it will measure the fat content in your body. Mine was 21% and according to the chart, mine was normal. Again, another excuse for not dieting.
Jeanie was buying this colagen drinks that has claimed to have the effect of beutified your skin. Well, as my personal experience, I think bird's nest is the best. Moreover it's tastier.Unlike the colagen drink, you only need to drink once a week and beside beautified ur skin, adding a few pieaces of ginseng, it also has the rejunevating effect.
At night , after a long day, I settle down for KFC's tomato cabbage soup. It was so good that I almost tempted to buy another one. Sinful....Not to mention the Mister Donut that I suppose to keep it for breakfast...Sigh..
Nippon Dai Suki Desu!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
New Bed!!!!
07th Nov 2006
Yeah...I got a new bed. And guess what? It's Queen Size! Which mean I can roll here and some stretching before bed on it...even lie wide open on the bed.
It has always been in my mind to get a new bed. Especially when Ping were to stay overnight at my place, we often end up sleepless as my original single bed is too small to occupy two people. So few days ago I went to Carefour with Ping and his mother to view some mattress. It was helding a promotion and we spent almost an hour deciding on which bed to get.
I was really tempted to buy one but the price sort of stop me. As my brother is coming, I know I will spend more money than usual and is it a wise choice to pay SGD799 for a matress? As far as I wish to have a good night sleep and I know how a good mattress can make a difference, but I have a budget to consider...Knowing my worries, Ping offer to help me pay half of the sweet! So, what else I have to worry about?
So, here's my new bed! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Was packing the spare room for my brother. He is finally coming to S'pore to work and stay with me. At first, I wasn't very keen with the idea of him staying with me as it meant I will have less freedom. Sort of too use to not having to tell anyone where I go, what time I'll be home,etc. But I guess is also good that I have someone here with me...someone who I knew all my life.
So, as I have trouble finding place to keep my files and books, I decided to "expand" my bookshelf. It wasn't easy. The last time I did it, I hurt my fingers and bleed. Now, I learn my lesson and uses a pair of glove as a layer of protection.
Here's my work...

After few hours of hard work! Result? Briliant!!!!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
JEFF 这几天都有MSG我
Monday, October 23, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
The right guy....
Yesterday was a day that it would turn out to be the worst of my life...i thought. Since morning before I went to work, I was trying to tell myself: I have been through worse than this, I am going to be fine.
Jeanie message me and share alot with me. I suddenly felt ashamed that I was so focus on what I am going through and neglected people around me. These days have become all about me...I felt sorry for Jeanie as what she's going through. At first she told me it was jus flu and migrain but then she finally decide to tell me and it was actually brain tumour. It has been years since she had it. And it is an on and off thing. There are time,she felt okay. But there are also time she felt so lousy. Jess use to tell me about Jeanie, saying that she is a dirvocee. But I always take what Jeanie said as she call off the wedding after ROM. But the truth is his fiance actually pull off after Jeanie was dignose with brain tumour. No wonder she is always so afraid to commit to another relationship. But how could someone leave his wife when she is sick, moreover he has promise to be with you no matter sick or poor...he is your husband to be, the one who suppose to stay with you for the rest of your life...
There's a saying of the Chinese: Man are afraid they choose the wrong career; while woman are afraid if they choose the wrong guy. Being as "egoistic" as me, I wouldn't want to lie my future in a man's hand. However,I agree that how can "choosing a right guy" change your life....
Am I with the right guy....?
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The Departed...
Finally we went to Harbour Front newly open Vivo City. I am the one who suggested take a walk. After what happen, I felt we have to really spend some time togather.
In fact it turn out to be a rewarding day. We walk, we talk, we hug, we kiss...well, something most couple do, but it's been a long time, it felt.
We also watched "The Departed" by Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon. It is actually the english version of "Wu Jian Dao". The original version is a Hong Kong production by Andy Lao and Tony Leong.
Somehow, it is a bit dissapointing as I am expecting it to be different from the original version. But, I guess they think the original is too good to be change. Well, not a total waste of money but it is meant for those who never watch the original one before.
There's a part where the psychologist ( Matt Damon's gf ; doctor of Leonardo) was saying , life is full of doubt...This kind of hit me a little. I guess I am in the stage where I am unsure of lotsa of things. In doubt...
Sunday, October 15, 2006
ReAdjUst. ReFoCus. ReMemBer
After having the conversation over the phone with Ping...I wonder how we started "argue" (Ping don't argue, basically I am the one who is unhappy) about him changing his roster causing us not to meet on 16th.
Again his intention is to shorten the time we will be apart. However I see it that he is risking our confirm off day to a unknown off day in the future, which mean we might or might not have the common off day. It kind of upset me...
Somehow we talked about how he thinks and why he react the way he is. He said, when it comes to changing his roster, money is the main priority. I felt....I don't how I feel when he said that. It sort of give me a waken call: "Hello~~Where have you put your priority to?" I wanted to tell him so much that, while u are busy focusing on what you want, you might lose what you already have...
I guess I sort of shifted my priority to the wrong place all this while. It is no point being there alone, when u being taken for granted of...Or should I say I weighed myself far too important. I guess is time to READJUST, REFOCUS, REMEMBER my priority. Maybe Ping is right.
Things won't be easy for the next few days. I just need to be positive and face the problem myself. Give me strength and wisdom, my Lord!
Thought of Fwuji when I was having the conversation with ping...I can't help but think. If I were who I am today, what happen to me and Fwuji would be diff. Same thing happen but i come up with diff approach.I guess it's all about timing and fate.
Monday, October 09, 2006
CoVeriNg oWn Ass...
So sad...first time I felt so discouraged by things happen in my job.
I know somehow is affected me...I just can't understand why someone so reputable could say something so irresponsible...just becoz he wanna cover his own ass...
Did I mistaken him? Should I clarify with him? I guess I should, when I see him next time. After all, it's something I need to face it. And I hate it when it's hanging there...
Finally I sort of settled my problem...
What happen was, my landlord decided to increase the rental and in this case Jess and I will have to pay 475 bucks per person. It's as good as getting my own house. Ha!
But now that we've talk to my landlord and had decided to rent the whole place instead of just the two rooms which mean we only need to find someone else to cut the rental.That sort of solved the problem for now.
Well, thanks to this incident, I realiase how much in total I am paying each year just for my rental. It hasn't hit me hard when Jenny told me that she spent almost a good 60 thousand for her rental for her all these years in Sg. But now that I am calculating myself, wow...I could have buy another house in M'sia.
Somehow, it pop up Ping's mind : Why don't we just buy a place? Here, "we" means he n I. Hehe...Although he is talking in a practical point of view. Yet I wish he could pop this question in a more romantic way...never mind...
Anyway, after calculating money that we need to buy a house, the idea sort of blow off. Though he said his mum could help...I wonder how.But I guess it best waited till we are both fully ready (financially), or else it will be really tight and I don't like that. Two years. I told myself.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
My Holidays III

Taken by him, my favourite pic...
"I was force to....."
we don't know him but he wanna take pic....weird...
Hiking when I am sick...pale
My Holidays II
Giant with the small tree house...
I want a bigger house....
Stuck back your tougue!!!
The Washington Lake....
Sometimes my camera still take nice pic...
My Holidays...

The aircraft that I am taking to LA
Flight that I am taking
View from the aircraft
Landing to LA soon...
Ping's mother and I on UA's flight to Portland
Mount St. Helens's Cold Lake
The volcanic Mt. St.Helens
Ping's sister, mother & I
My dear looks good in this pic...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Stay In Charge...
Back from Los Angeles, after almost 24 hours of none stop flying,catching flights...I am finally back in my own sweet home. The past 24 hours hasn't been a pleasant one as I rush to catch my flights from LA to S'pore due to the delayed of domestic flight from S.Frisco to LA. Never in my life, I felt so....rush...
Anyway, this wasn't really the worst part. Have you ever push a trolley which carry 3 luggages (each weighed about 70 pounds) , running amost 1.5 km to catch a flight? Worst is I am pushing it up the escalator(My mistake of under estimating the heaviness of the luggages)...What happen? Well, the small( but it's not the lightest) luggage on top of the two big luggages roll over me and i am kinda stuck on the escalator. Can you imagine when the escalator is still moving while you are stuck with 3 luggages and you are force to move along? Result: I am obviously still surviving...or else who is writting here? Just 2 patches of big blue black on my arm and leg...
It wasn't that bad actually.At least we manage to catch our flight. But I sort of fall in to the bad mood mode that i just keep quiet. Maybe is just feeling tired, maybe is I still don't feel well...(fall sick two days ago while I was still in portland).
But it sort of trigle me when Ping just left me and went to find another seat which he then explain it's to let me have 3 seats by myself so that I could sleep. He also claimed that he had told me before he left to go and "chop" the seat. Well, here's another good example of MISCOMMUNICATION:things that you said if didn't being heard defeat the purpose of saying it. Serious, I didn't hear him saying anything...
So from LA to Tokyo and Tokyo to S'pore, I have 3 seats by myself. At first, I was quite upset. How can he just left me there? I am so tired after the rush, now he just leave me alone? However this " angry" mood deosn't stay long. It gone after I went to the toilet.
You guys ust be curious what happen in the toilet right? Well, I sort of look into the mirror and asked: " who is this ugly girl who look so angry?" Then I smile at myself and I realiase she is me.
I don't like when I look so upset. My happiness shouldn't have depend on others. I should be the one who incharge of my own happiness. So when I came back from the toilet, I am in a total different mood. The later part of the flight became a much enjoyable one...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Long day....
God...Schedule has been really tight these days. Has been sleeping less than 4 hour each and every day. Work, study and holiday during my birthday. I need a good rest....
Yesterday was a totally worn off day for me. Came back from work in the morning and without showering. (I know is unhygenic, but when you are tired and worn off, sleep is the up most important thing in your mind). So, I crash to the bed and caught a solid 3 hours nap. Although not long after I fall asleep, Ping's mother called me to ask if i had already gone down to the office to change my flight ticket. I was filled with guilt that I should go down as soon as possible, yet knowing that today will be a long day for me, I need to sleep now! 11am, got waken by the sms that Ping's mother sent me. I rushed to the toilet and take a quick shower and rushed out,hopefully I can get my ticket done before the lunch time. So, within half an hour, I am in the office already.
I managed to change my ticket, and to my surprise it only took me 10 minutes to do so. Efficient!!!Then with some time to spare, I had a quick lunch in the staff canteen. Had my favourite popiah and honey grapefruit juice. And proceed to town.
I was so tired and in the 1/2 hour mrt journey, I actually fallen asleep. Not very usual for me, as I dislike to sleep in the public. Then I went for my facial appointment for 3 hours. Fall asleep in between again. After my facial, I met Jess for dinner and happen that she actually meeting Kevin. So, 3 of us end up having dinner at cafe cartel.
Kevin is a nice guy and 3 of us have a great time togather. Suppose to go for my class after the meal, but Jess wanted me to join them for movie. Filled with tireness and what I want is only to sleep. Almost tempted to go movie with them coz i think i can sleep in the cinema. But I guess I have the guilt of not attending classes thinking that I will miss the next two weeks lectures, I better go. So in less then half n hour to spare. I rushed to class on time.
Although the last half n hour I can't really catch what he is talking about (too sleepy). But at least it's not a waste trip. Then as I was heading home, I met Xing down stair my house. He is waiting for Jess to message him as he've got something to pass to her. Jess promise to message him when she is back home. Knowing that Jess is already at home, I urge him to go up. But he refuse and ask me to pass the thing to her. Sensing that something is wrong, I told Xing Jess wanted to eat ( She called me ealier on) . Without hesistation, Xing offer to buy her supper. Because he is not familiar with the place, I offer to direct him. So we drove to Bedok North to take away chicken wings and dessert.
While we were waiting for the chicken wings to be ready, Jess message me and xing. Jess told Xing that she is not at home yet. And she told me Kevin is at home. Of coz what she don't know is, Xing is with me. So,fearing that Xing will find out, I ask Jess to ask Kevin to leave. My message sound fierce and scare Kevin off a little. He must be wondering how can a person be so nice in a second n the next moment she is so fierce. But then I don't care. What I fear more is,Xing will get hurt coz I knew he is a nice guy.
Anyway, when we were home. Kevin is already gone and Jess finally understand why I reacted that way in the message. Feeling touch and guilt, she told me she was crying talking to Xing over the phone yesterday.
Well, I sort of scolded her cause I felt she is making people feel hopeful yet don't want to commit. I said she is not ready in any serious relationship although she wants it very much.She is just still not ready for one yet...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The One...
So we came to the serious talk...
As Ping dad leaving soon to US, he asked Ping to get marry if he is ready. Something that always cross a parent 's mind when your son seem to have a stable relationship. And Ping standard answer as always:" Another two years." haha...
I guess, two year is a good timing as we are financially and mentally prepare. By then I should have finish my study, five years in my job mean sense of steadiness in life and of cause, the long waited 15k!!!
I guess I have change my mind about getting marry at 28-30. That was a target I set for myself far before I started my 1st relationship,those yound days... But now I felt if you are into this relationship so seriously, anytime is possible. And we are so in love with each other.Each and everyday the feeling just grow...I never thought this was possible.
Someone will think I am crazy, as I am only 22(soon)
I dreamt of this dream that it is the day I get marry and I was on the street in my wedding gown where my husband-to-be is busy sweeping the street. Weird huh? The funniest thing is that he is not Ping but a HK actor that we always see on TV. Lim Bao Yi, anyone know who is he? The guy who named Henry in the drama series Healing Hands. Funny...When I told Ping, he was laugh non-stop as usual...Then he said to me, I hope I can be your road sweeper. Isn't that the sweetest thing you could hear from a man? When there are dozen of man outside, fearing to commit and here there is this guy that looking forward to make you his wife and the mistress of his white dream house ( well, this is another story...) I guess life couldn't be any better....
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Kazoku mitai...
After work, Ping's father came to pick me up. Was so tired after 12 hours of work, all I wanted is someone to welcome me home... And uncle did...with that kind of warm smile that I can only find in my family.
As he was driving me home, as we were talking, suddenly (I wonder how actually) he asked did Ping ever tell me about why he wanna pursue his study to US.
*Yes, he said it's your dream*
*That's not the full answer...*
*Has Ping ever mention to you my medical condition?*
*Actually I had my artery 50% blocked....If I don't take care of myself,I will end up like my father.He was paralysed and my mother has to take care of him for 15 years. It's a emotional journey. If I had a stroke and I will be a burden to my wife and Ping. The only way to save my life is keep on working. I can't stop. That's the reason I choose to study at this point of time. If I stay in S'pore, the most I can work is for another few years. I rather keep on moving until I get heart attack and die right away...*
I am speechless. I never thought uncle has thought so much. And what he thinks is all for the best benefit of everyone.
*people might said that : you are so selfish! But they don't know the actual reason why I am doing this. So, I just keep quiet and grip on...*
*Have you told Ping about this before?*
*I did talk to him about it. But maybe he didn't think I am serious...or he thought that I was joking.*
I am sure Ping doesn't think that way. I am sure Ping know what you meant. I am sure...I didn't say out...
*As far as I know, Ping has been very supportive to you.*
*I know they are very supportive. But maybe they haven't feel it yet. That's why I would like to ask you for a favour,you and Ping to spend more time with my wife when I am away.*
* I know. Me and Ping was talking about it too...*
* In fact I actually propose to Ping for you to stay at my place, the other room. It's good for you too, since our place is nearer to SIM where you studying.*
*Yupe, I understand. In term of location, it's true. But I got many more to consider, like my housemate. And actually my mother doesn't agree with me staying at your place either coz she felt that is not right...*
*coz you and Ping are not marry yet.*
* Sort of...but I guess I will stay over at your place more often now, for example after my class...Bishan Chalet...*
Uncle smiled.
Such conversation show something. Uncle does treat me like a family. The fact that he felt Ping is really serious about our relationship put him to open up to me. I am gladful, that he is willing to share....
Friday, August 11, 2006
I am must be a genius!
Monday, August 07, 2006
The Time Traveller's Wife
Was reading "The Time Traveller's Wife" on my way from KLIA to the city. Has been telling people this is a good book but don't seem to be able to describe it. It's about this guy who has the ability to travel to the past and future. In another word, he is a time traveller. However he can't choose when or where to travel to. He has total no control in this ability and whenever he time-travel, he can't bring anything with him. This is a very odd situation and most of the time cause him in danger eventually caused his death. Sad story...Not a smart choice to read in public especially you can't held your tears....
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
iT's NoT tHe diStAncE iSSuE....
Ok..time for confession. About what I said about yesterday, about doing a little experiment on Ping. What I have decided to do is, not messaging Ping and see how long it takes for him to remember of me and text me. I sort of realiase that he doesn't initiate messaging me. Most of the time he "REPLY" my message. So I really wonder how long would it take for my dear to "remember" me? Hahah...what a funny way to say it. Result: I gave up! Just a few hour after I wrote the post. He message me and ask me if I take any bird nest and he bought something for my mum. Well, perhaps who is "remember" was my mum.hahah...Anyway, he is such a sweet guy... And all I can say is that distance might not be the big issue here. The biggest issue is the fact that I couldn't see him, hear him and hold him....that's hurt.
I never know that I could be so "cheesy"? Well, regarding myself a total independent woman. I can eat by myself in the public, go shopping myself, do almost everything by myself. Yet, the feeling of not having Ping by myself just isn't what I like to feel.
There's this chinese song by Jiang Mei Qi ( a taiwanese singer). It's call " Dear, why aren't you here with me?".
Dear, why aren't you here with me?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
DoEs DiStAnCe MaKes LoVe FoNder?
I felt like I am away for so long... In fact it has only been 3 days. Ha! Some how I think Ping is adapting better than I am, despite he is the one who keep saying 19 days is unbearable. I guess I am the one who is going nuts.
Long distance relationship never work for me. And although I and Ping is not like we are staying apart or something. But I guess it's also consider some sort of "long distance" relationship. It just won't do it for me!!!
Is either he have so much "faith" on me. Or he is just simply thinks that everything goes his way. Sometime I wish I have his "believe"...So, I shall do a little experience here...on Ping, see what's the outcome. Till then....=P
Friday, July 28, 2006
Suddenly my post seem to be notice by someone...someone anonymous that leave a comment at my recent posts. It's kinda funny...perhaps it's my respone to her/his first comment :
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
2nd Culinary Day

26th July 2006
I am sitting in front of my laptop, waiting for my dear to come. This is a unplanned culinary day.Hehe...I just can't wait to see his delighted face.
So what did I have for my dear this time?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Have you ever have that kind of feeling when unhappy things happen again and again. When you actually determine not to let it repeat its history. But your desire had betrayed you that you did it again? It happen to me...
I guess it's part of my fault. Knowing that the whole thing will make me unhappy eventually. Still, I let myself do it. I should have leave it to him at the first place. If he wants it bad enough, he would have ask for Roger's number. But instead I am the one who ask Roger. How stupid I am? Idiot!!!!!
Not the first time, and I am determine to not to let it happen. Yet I repeat the mistake myself. Why did he hint it to me that he could spend that 3 days with me. Then later when I told him I have asked Roger, he actually think twice? I hate being to compare...but I felt I am not that important after all...And he thought I was unhappy because of fearing what Roger thinks. Why would I care how people think ? If I do, what is the reason I put myself into a condition when everyone thinks :" this girl is so DESPERATE to spend time with her bf!",again and again? First time he let me feel that I am stupid, 2nd time it's dumb and I am tired, then now I am a total fool!!!
What so good bout this guy that I have lower myself till I nearly lost myself? Why did I did it again when I was hurt, felt stupid, and cried. Perhaps God has His plan. That He didn't allow the cof to work, that I will be away at least a day to be with myself, think these all over... moaning for my stupidity...
Friday, July 07, 2006
Emotionally Detox
I realiase I've been easily moved these days. I wonder why. For the past 3 days, I've cried twice. First time was because of the hong kong drama series...silly. Second time was because of the Oprah Show I watched. Well...I always regard myself as someone not easily cry. Crying sort of meant defeated to me. Ever since that time I cried so badly in front of Ping, I just get teary easily these days. So, the new defination of crying is " DETOX". I think it's sort of emotionally detox. Sometimes your emotionally bear too much that you need someway to release the pain in you. Anyway, it felt good after that.=)
Missing my dear very much...though I have a very busy schedule these 3 days and have accomplished alot, yet it just felt something missing. Can't help but think it would be much better if he is around. Somehow I wonder, why am still so in love with him? haha...silly...but I really am thinking about tat...When I try to fine a reason, I can only jump to the conclusion: Because it's Ping. =)
Saturday, July 01, 2006
JoGGing fEveR....
Woke up in the morning, have this muscle pain all over...haha...I knew I shouldn't have gone jogging in consecutive 2 days. Anyway, it felt great!!! I consider myself not bad as I am not a regular runner and always thought I do not have much stamina. Then again, maybe the occasional aikido session do help as I was surprise I could jog without stopping.
The first day, for a start I do not want to over tired myself so I started up with a quick walking around the field. It's not a very big field though...Then I start running. At first I thought of just doing one or two round as a starting. Then I realiase I could finish that two round without stopping and feeling uneasy. So, I continue running. In the end I jog 5 round around the field in total. GREAT!!!
2nd day, figure that my body doesn't feel any pain so I decided to go for a jog. This time I also did a 5 round jog with 2 round of quick walking.One at the start to warm up and one at the end as a cool down. I realiase I sweat more easily than the first day which is good!!! least I get myself started so hopefully I can continue. Who knows? Maybe like what Ping said, I could drop till 45kg...haha...crazy!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Experiment 01
Just a few hour after blogging my 1st blog of the day. I felt better. Ha! Women! Anyway, perhaps is the cold shower that helps. Or maybe my problem is that no one could share with me. After talking to my mum, I instantly felt better. Well...though my mum could only understand 30% of how I felt.Anyway,it's good!
So I am back to 70% of the cheerful self. Another 30%,perhaps after eating my mum's dumpling:) Well, maybe this is one good point of me. I could recover from the upset emotion quite fast.
After crapping so much, I havent touch on what I wanted to say actually. Well, is some funny idea tha occur to me that day after hearing someone's conversation. "over-heard somebody's conversation".
What happen is that I was in the Q of the fruit stall in the canteen when this girl in front of me share her idea of saving with her friend. She said she never use her SGD 2 note and will always keep it when she have. So, unconciously she have save up till SGD 15,000 now. Of course the time frame is something to be concern here. If she use 10 years to do so, it's not really something to be surprise of. So, i decided to do a experiment myself. See how long it takes me to save that SGD 15,000 effortlessly. Keyword here is "effortlessly". This is because I always felt if could have a habit of saving money, that doesn't make you felt it's a chore of something, the money won't hurt you a bit. But if you force yourself to save when you already have so many commitment, it's gonna be very difficult. So, I start to keep my SGD 2 note now,and we shall see...
HoMe SwEEt HoMe...
Back in KL. Is good to see my family after so long.On my way home, I was still puzzled by my own emotion and feelings. What exactly that I am not happy about? It all started since Monday.
After class, I went to meet Ping in town. Perhaps both of us are tired, and shouldn't have come out. So, it wasn't really a good hang out time. Reason that we wanted to meet up is because we won't be seeing each other for the next 7 days.
Then Tuesday, during lunch break, I called Ping and he was on his way to work. I could felt he wasnt in the mood of talking partly because he is in a bus with faulty air-con...Well, so we hang up quickly. That day after class, I suppose to go for my facial appointment. I went and because I wasnt feeling very happy, I went to Kinokuniya and got a few books for myself. Hopefuly it would cheer me up. I also called Sherly out as I don't feel like going home though I am actually quite tired.
So, I have dinner with Sherly and after which I join she and her friend in pub near city hall called "waiting bar". We were there till midnight, nothing much, chit-chat,catching up with the lost time. Then I felt better...or I think I felt better...Sherly share with me about her r/s and I knew I couldn't be worse. Yet it's not to be compare, after all we are dating different guys and we have different needs.
I got message from Derrick, happily telling me he won't be away. He've decided to find a job in S'pore. So, he could celebrate my birthday with me. Then it occur to me that Ping won't be around for my birthday. It's not really a big day for me as I never celebrated birthday. But today, I wish the one who say that to me is Ping...I knew Derrick have something for me, though many time I told him I can't return his kindness. But he just don't care. And he just beg me to allow him to treat me nicely. I can't say I am not touched by these...After all, I am thankful that I met these nice people...Just that there's nothing much I could do. I told myself, if this guy is so kind to you, be kind to him too.
Anyway, by the time I am home, it's almost 2am. I showered and packed coz I am going home the next day morning.And to my surprise, Ping message me. I could have call him but I didn't instead I told him that I am going to sleep. The truth is I never sleep till around 4am. Maybe I just don't feel like talking right now. Jess ask if I decided to cof. But I told her, I need to consider. Maybe it's not a good idea of spending too much time togather. Maybe is time to let each other have a breathing space...
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
It's 2.11am now and I am still up packing my things. Going back to KL tomorrow...Can't wait...
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
tWo YeArS aNNiVerSaRy!
19th June 2006

It's girl's nightout! After don't know how long, 8 of us finally came out all togather! We meet up at hard rock for dinner. Somehow we attract alot of attention from the others. Of course, how often you get 8 pretty girls hanging out togather? haha...So when the waitress out of curiosity came and ask if this is a special night for us, we told them it's somebody's birthday, and 3 of us(Annie, Jennifer and Michiko) got set up to be the birthday girls.hahaha....Great! So in the end of the dinner, the VJ was announcing it through the PA while everyone is watching football... Luckily we didn't get scolded by others yet we enjoyed a "high + out of pitch" birthday song from everyone. Of course not to forget the 3 free ice cream sundae we got!!!YUMMY!!!
After the dinner is not the end yet. We went on for 2nd round and have a drink at the loof. It's a cozy hangout place on the roof top of a building opposite the chimes. Not noisy and with the breeze of the night, it's a nice place to talk...The night goes on till past mid-night and for the first time, Annie is the one who claimed that she is tired. (it's normally me!!!haha!!!)
Great night! Cheers for our two years anniversary!!!
LeT mE cRy!!!

13th-15th June 2006
Spending total 8 days with my dear is a total bonus for me. We are consider as long distance relationship in a way...haha...Both of us are always apart yet felt so near. Time for us has a total different defination. For us, months passes like weeks, days is just hours...That's why although it has been almost 9 months now,I still feel very much like yesterday. I wish, our honeymoon period is forever.
Something happen in this trip. I was angry with Ping. Real angry,that I couldn't talk to him. He hurt himself, and despite worrying bout him, I still can't lay my sight on him. I am really angry. People around us was concern of his injury...and I just stand a side, pull my ear to listen, but wouldn't talk to him. I am worry, but in the same time I am angry. Or perhaps, I am sad. Not so much of anger? I thought: Why do you have to shout at me? Why can't you just say instead of shouting? Ping knew that I am angry,obviously...He tried to get responses from me. I refused to share a room with him but he insist. How could I stay in a room with you when I am so angry? Then when we were in the room, seeing how much pain he suffer of his injury, my heart soften. Silly Ping, clumsy Ping and my heart hurts.
Ping went out with me despite haven't been sleeping for the past 24 hours. I am tired too. But I think staying in the room doesnt serve us good. I need a breath. We hold hands and went out like nothing happen. Got our tax refund and dinner back. Then, after meal I went to sleep...I didn't knocked out. In fact I know Ping didn't stay awake for long unlike what he always do after a flight.
In the middle of the night, I woke up and couldn't put myself into sleep. Tired but I am still...feeling uneasy inside. I try to make myself occupied while Ping is sleeping. First time we slept seperately in the same room. Then when Ping finally woke up.He came over my bed, wanted to hug me. And I just couldn't hold my tear no more and started crying. I rarely cry infront of people. As I always try not to worry others, I don't easily cry in front of people. Only my 2nd brother knew that despite my cheerful and easy going attitude, I am actually a big crying baby. So tonight, I have a good cry... And I knew after this cry, I shall be alright. So, dear, let me cry...
Ping totally freak out. He don't know what to say but just hug me tight. And that's exactly what I need.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Finally got it done. After all the things I been through,at last... I think I shall not try this will really drive me crazy if all these were to happen again. Imagine I could lose 2kg in 2 days. How stress out I am? Well, perhaps it's a good way to put off a few pound....
Today, I received messages from him. I never thought that he would message me again...After he told me not to message him that day assuming I am busy. I thought we can't even be friends. But I never know things had been happening lately...Why can't I sense that it is not him at all to be so "cold" to me.
He told me that the medicine he was taking previously doesn't work on him anymore. That he had to start dialysis now. In another word, his kidney failed. Life hasn't been easy for him as he gotto go for dialysis every alternate day and yet he have to go to school. And he is going for a transplant soon. Although it's consider as a good news, but knowing that there's a 40% of failure risks and his body had very high tendency to reject the transplanted kidney, I can't help but felt so heavy.
I can't stop myself from crying for him.Even Ping is in front of me. But I just can't help. Although we are no more in a relationship but we have never mistreat each other. Broke up is purely because of muture understanding that we can't go on. That's why deep in side my heart, he is still someone special. Someone who see me as who I am from the day he know me. The most ironic part is he is having his operation on 18th June,his birthday.Why is all these happening to him?
Then when Me and Ping went to his juniors graduation exhibition. We met his professor who reminds me very much about Fwuji... All the memories between me and him just keep flashing in my head. I just wish his operation will be successful.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
From a different angles, is a whole new world

08th June 2005
Let's forget about the unhappy things,shall show off the things that my dear gave it to me. It's definately some sort of surprise.
First of all, I never expect he will do this to me. Maybe in my mind he have form the image of buying food and drystore for me oversea.HAHA...
So when he said he got something to gave me. It never occur to me that it's all these.
So, here I have a very nice diamond neclace and a very stylish ipod nano plus a cute tiny travelling speaker which I now bring to most of my flights. Perhaps could bring it to seoul frisco too...Well, life wouldn't be bad if you look things in different angles.At least I can go sight seeing in seoul, and also meeting my dear aft my flight. Not so bad!!!
Learn to let go...
I have long learned that life is not going to smooth all the way. But I am always gladful that things that had happen to me,being bad or good, it makes me grow. Just like these two days, I have been so desperate nearly go crazy.
Faith said: in the end of the day you gotto ask yourself, is it worth it? And I think...despite being angry with his "bo-chap" attitude, I am actually quite willingly to do this. Worth it? I don't know. But if there's a choice when I can do it again, I will still go through all these troubles. He never will know how much I wanna spend time with him...I guess is time to readjust myself...some things have to be left behind...some things isn't as important as you think it is...
But I am gladful, that I have Jess with me. Someone that I could count on. Never will I feel weak in front of her, coz there's always some kind of moral support in between us.
I felt I am feeling of something...This always happen to me. I always feel something but can't really put in down to word. Is interesting as I see myself reacting towards things that happen to us. I am just afraid that history would repeat just like my previous relationship. But whatever it is, I am gladful right now...
Saturday, May 27, 2006
oVeRcOme . pOSeiDoN . sUrViVing . fOuNd
Wake up as early as 0645 hrs despite having only slept for 4 hours. Feeling shitty just like yesterday. I need to talk. So I called home. Finally talking to my dad and get the whole thing clearly understand. I felt better after that. Though it make no changes to anything. But at least, I felt whole lots better. I guess I hate it when things lost control and I learned, if you do not want anything to lost its control, take control!!!
Went for a movie with Derrick and his friend(forgot his name, i think is Gary) haha...Anyway, we watch the movie name Poseidon. At first I didn't have the mood to come out at all.But I guess when you are feeling down and you wanna turn it around. You can't just sit there and wait for something good to happen. So I decided to go out and who knows? something nice might happen.
The movie is quite nice. Turn out to be quite a breath taking and tight with story line's movie. However, something was missing...but I just don't know what is it.
It has been a whole day now and I am still surviving. In fact with the help of Derrick, I got something for myself. Then I decide, if ever any unhappy incident occur, I will buy myself a gift. I also buy Ping a gift, as I felt strongly to give him one. Though none of our birthday is near but I guess giving never need a reason. I guess this little trick do worked. I am feeling happy now.
I am back to my old self. The girl who go so emotional and angry have gone and I am back to my old self. I am just so glad that Ping stays with me that night where things happend and I felt so lost. I know he is tired but the fact that he stay gave me strength to be strong.
eVeRyThiNg gOiNg tO bE FiNe....i WiSh...
I don't think anyone understand what I am talking about...
I think I am not myself at all tonight...
Hope tomorrow it's a brand new day...
I just wish....
Sunday, May 21, 2006
gReeTiNg FrOm bRiSbAnE...
Yesterday I was working on my personal time table, listing down things that I should do...It's hard coz I have so much to do yet so little time. Less time to spent with my dear but I know he will understand.
Well, yesterday night as Ping and I were sms'ing each other. I told Ping about my plan and the anxienty I am facing because of things that I need to do. And he said he will always stand by me and give me surport...very sweet of him. Then I told Ping that the fact that he is so surportive meant alot to me. And later I got this message from him saying that he would go for breakfast tomorrow...bla bla bla...totally irrelevant. Is funny...for a second I thought he sms to a wrong person. Then later I figure out. He don't know how to respone to my message.Ha! Well, not the first time.
I always understand Ping as a very conservative guy who take in alot of consideration before doing something. He won't commit to any promise or even sweet talk about our future. I guess he feels that it's too early to say and the fact that I am still young and he is not ready, make him hold back. Well, perhaps that time when he ask me to become his gf is probably the bravest thing he have done to a girl...without giving much of thought...I guess when he look back he probably am surprise himself. Hope he never have regretted of his decision=P
I am not to complaint coz I know there are things that is far more precious to be appreciate. And I am always gladful to have him.
Friday, May 19, 2006
CuLiNaRy DaY...YuMMy!!!

19th May 2006
Got back from my dear's place. Like what he said, today is a bonus to both of us coz we get to spent more time togather. I think both of us are trying and putting effort to spend more time with each other as both our roster clashed. Really happy to see things really going well between two of us. It's has been almost 8 months now...
Anyway, that day while meeting up at City Hall, Ping came up with this idea of cooking togather. So we went to MPH look for some cookery book especially those that is dedicated for vegetarian. People has always been wondering how we cope with each other as I am not a vegetarian like Ping. But it never has been a problem to both of us coz we just eat what we want. Neither of us wanna to change each other. Why should we?Anyway, Ping is a easy eater. Basically, he is more of a "carbohidratian" than a vegetarian. haha...
Well, so we have make yesterday our culinary day. I wake up very early despite sleeping late the night before.and went to the market to get all the ingredients. I have decided to cook a whole vegetarian meal for Ping. I figure it would be nice that he can eat whatever I cook. So,this is the menu I came up with.